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we expect you to be patient for the inconvenience thanks.This theme is Bloggerized by jayus ernanta - Premiumbloggertemplates.

Aug 27, 2011

Complete Slackware Netbook Install Guide.

Slackware Netbook Install Guide For this guide I used a HP Mini 210HD Netbook, However this should apply to the majority of the netbooks out on the market right now. I’m assuming you know how to do a console based linux install & know how to partition a drive using fdisk/cfdisk. If not then you may want to read the man pages, Once you boot up the Slackware install type;
man fdisk
man cfdisk
However, I will give some guidance at my suggested partitioning scheme for netbooks.
The installation system was a HP Mini 210HD with the following specs;
Intel Atom N450 (Dualcore x64)
2GB of system RAM
160GB Sata HDD
Intel audio/video (Works out of the box)
Broadcom STA Wireless Chip (Requires configuration)
Synaptics Touchpad (Requires configuration)
Begin by getting a Slackware x86 (CD1) ISO from – After that, Head on over to and download unetbootin so you can burn the ISO to a USB Stick or a SD Card (The burning process is self explanatory)
Once you have a USB Stick or SD Card with Slackware (CD 1) on it you’re going to reboot your system. Once you’re prompted with the Slackware boot screen, Press TAB to give boot options. Once you’re greeted with the  boot option screen, Append;
To the kernel of your choice, I use SMP for my Multiprocessor CPU (You may want to do the same if you run the Atom N450 CPU to take advantage of the second core)
After the boot process is complete you will be greeted with a login prompt, Login as root. Now you want to begin partitioning your drive, Start by typing in;
cfdisk /dev/sda
And then choose your drive layout, My suggested layout for Netbooks is 10gb for / & the rest for /home. I personally run a swapless install, However if you run resource intensive application your going to want swap. And remember to set / bootable!
Then begin the Slackware install by typing;
Then proceed to “ADDSWAP” if you have a swap partition or “TARGET” if your running a swapless install. When installing Slackware on a Netbook I like to choose ReiserFS, ReiserFS is light on system resources and is pretty quick/responsive on my system.
Once your done partitioning your drive, Select Network install (You will need a LAN connection for this, Wireless setup will be after the complete system is installed) and pick the nearest mirror to you (You can find them at
For package series, I use;
a The A (base) package series.
ap The AP (applications) package series.
d The D (development) package series.
e The E (GNU Emacs) package series.
f The F (FAQ/Documentation) package series.
k The K (kernel source) package series.
l The L (libraries) package series.
n The N (networking) package series.
x The X (X Window System) package series.
xap The XAP (X applications) package series.
After that, Select Full for the prompting mode screen. And your system will begin installation. Once that is complete, Continue on through the install. I usually disregard the USB Boot disk and move onto the LILO install. Do a simple lilo install, Unless you need anything special added. Select yes to load the gpm mouse service. Continue on to the network configuration and fill out your network information and select DHCP. Now continue onto Startup Services, For my startup services I only use;
Then setup your time zone, Select your preferred window manager (I prefer XFCE, It’s lightweight and provides some nice eye candy). Then select your root password. The installation is now complete, Exit back into the console and type;
When you reboot, Leave your installation media in (USB Drive or SD Card) and startup the Slackware installation again like before with appending;
To your kernel choice. And then login as root and type in;
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
vi /mnt/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
and add to blacklist;
blacklist ssb
blacklist b43
Save the file and reboot the computer without the (USB Drive or SD Card in) After the system boots up, You should be greeted with a login console. Login as root and then type;
And then setup your new user information (only use root for system maintenance) After you are done with that, You need to log out of root and login as your user, So type in;
And then log in as your normal user. After your logged in as normal user type in
After xorg starts up may start to notice that your touchpad is acting all funky and the buttons don’t work. This is a easy fix, Start by opening up a terminal window and typing in;
su (and then enter your root password)
echo options psmouse proto=exps > /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf
After you have rebooted your system, log back in again as your normal user. Now we need to get your wireless up and running. The following is for a Broadcom chip, However you should take the same approach for other chipset using the command below, But with your chipsets driver. For the Broadcom STA chipset head on over to; and download the x86 driver, Once you have it downloaded open up a terminal and;
tar -zxvf hybrid-portsrc_x86-32_v5.60.246.6.tar.gz
make clean
modprobe lib80211
insmod wl.ko
cp wl.ko /lib/modules/
depmod -a
echo modprobe wl >> /etc/rc.local
Now you need to connect to a wireless network, Keep that terminal window open and now type;
ifconfig eth1 down
iwconfig eth1 essid <essid>
iwconfig eth1 key <key>
ifconfig eth1 up
To speed up the process of connecting to a wireless network you can use my wireless bash script below, Open up a console and type in;
And this will open jed, Then you want to type into jed;
insmod /lib/modules/
ifconfig eth1 down
iwconfig eth1 essid <your network name>
iwconfig eth1 key <your network key>
ifconfig eth1 up
dhclient eth1
# end
Now save the file and type;
chmod u+x
cp /usr/bin
Now when you want to connect to your wireless connection all you have to do is;
You should now have a fully functional Slackware installation. Happy Slacking!

Easiest way to install XP on SD card ... of Flash disk ...

Do you want both system in Eee!? Here is solution ...
1. Dont touch at Linux on main Disk ... only disable it in BIOS ...
2. Now you have "no disk in Eee" ...
3. Take USB Floppy drive (i used from my Dell notebook, that is already USB too) ...
4. If you have no any Floppy drive, make a fake floppy on flashdisk ...
This is step by step ... Thanks previous poster ...
a. Download Physdiskwrite (
b. Download Boot disk image: MS Windows XP System Setup Disk (
c: What to do:
  • -On your XP computer, download physdiskwrite and the boot disk image mentioned above. Unzip physdiskwrite to a temp directory. I was able to "unzip" the system setup disk executable using WinRAR as well, to get the actual image file rather than the disk maker. WinRAR throws an error and says that the archive is corrupt, but it gets the image out and it works just the same.
  • So, you should have a temp filder (say c:\temp) with two files: physdiskwrite.exe and WXPBOOT.IMA.
  • -Insert the flash memory device you DO NOT intend to use to hold your XP install files.
    -Open a command line and navigate to your temp directory.
    -Type: physdiskwrite -u winxpboot.ima
  • Type number of your Flash device and is it!
5. If you have a Floppy drive, make there a bootable diskette with WinXP setup disk ...
6. Copy complete WinXP CD to SD card ...
7. Boot your Eee from Floppy (or floppy flash fake drive) - if it works go on ...
8. Insert SD card to Eee and power up system ...
9. Boot with DOS on diskette and run : C:/I386/winnt.exe (it is zour SD card)
10. wait and your windows are already installed!
11. Delete from SD card prevoious loaded content from WinXP CD ...
      Ypu can swith system from BIOS, disable or enable main disc with Linux, or remove SD with Windows

Aug 26, 2011

Install Hard Drive - A guide to installing an IDE hard drive

This guide will take you through the process of installing an IDE hard drive into your PC, step by step with the aid of photos.

To upgrade your hard drive is fairly straightforward and can be done in no time at all.

in this section:
  • What you need for this guide.
  • Upgrading your old hard drive.
  • Installing or adding a new hard drive.
  • finishing the installation

note: If you are just looking for some extra storage for computer, check out our guide to external hard drives
Before you follow this tutorial you must read the terms of our disclaimer.

To install your hard drive you will need:
  • Compatible IDE Hard Drive.
  • 4 securing screws (supplied with hard drive or case).
  • Cross-point (Philips) Screwdriver suitable for your PC case.
  • IDE Cable (if required).
  • Anti-Static Wrist-strap (if available). 

Upgrading your old hard drive
note: Disconnect the power and remove your PC's cover, see our guide.

 If you are simply replacing your current hard drive with a bigger drive then the process is very straightforward.

It is sometimes easier to remove the IDE cable and the power cable (labeled A and B in fig 1.1) before you remove the fixing screws (see fig 1.1), as sometimes the cables can be stubborn.

Note where the cables go, all IDE hard drives have the same standard socket types and the IDE cable should have an alignment notch to ensure it is inserted the right way (see fig 1.2), likewise the power cable will only plug in one way.

After removing the fixing screws (there are four, two on each side of the chassis), gently take the drive out of the chassis and put it to one side.

Next, take your new drive and ensure that the jumper settings are set to master or single drive (see fig 1.2). The jumper settings should be displayed on the hard drive or in the manufacturer's book.

Now gently slide the drive into position (where the old drive was) and line up the holes, then insert the 4 fixing screws.

Plug the IDE and power cables in (see fig 1.2) and then move onto finishing installation.

Installing or adding a new hard drive
note: Disconnect the power and remove your PC's cover, see our guide.


The first thing to do after removing the case covers, is to locate the drive bay where the hard drive will go (see fig 1.3 below). 

 In our example in fig 1.3 above we have a drive already in the bay so you can see more clearly where it should be situated. We don't have a floppy drive installed, but if we did, then it would be located in one of the free bays above the hard drive.

If you are adding a second drive then try and leave a gap between the two drives for ventilation (although this might not always be possible).

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 Jumper Settings

Jumpers are metal pins that have small black plastic sleeves that slide over the top of them, they are used to configure certain devices, including hard drives.

For the location of the jumper selector see fig 1.5, the jumper settings should be displayed on the hard drive label or in the manufacturer's book.

Single Drive - If this is your only hard drive then set the jumper selector to master

Two Drives - if the new drive will be the main drive, set the jumper to master, if you want it as a secondary drive then set it to slave. Alternatively, you could use a separate IDE cable on the motherboard's secondary IDE interface (see motherboard manual).

Once you have set the jumper, gently slide the drive into the drive bay, line up the holes (2 on each side of the drive bay) and insert the 4 fixing screws (should have been supplied with your case).

The next step is to attach the IDE and power cables.

In fig 1.4 below you can see a standard IDE Cable, note there are 3 connections (also notice the difference in distance between the connectors). Connection A plugs into the motherboard and then the slave and master connections are used for IDE devices such as hard drives. If you are only installing one drive, or the new drive is to be the master, then use the master connector, if the drive is to be the slave then use the slave connector.

 The IDE cable will be marked down one side with a red or black strip, this denotes Pin 1, match this with the Pin 1 indicator on the back of the hard drive

The power cable can be found attached to your computers case's power supply, you can see an example below in fig 1.5 

 Plug the IDE and power cables in (see fig 1.5) and then move onto finishing installation.
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Finishing Installation

Double check all connections and make sure the device is set correctly as master or slave, also make sure you haven't loosened any connections while you have been installing.

You may wish to make sure the hard drive is correctly installed before replacing the covers, but it is advisable to replace the covers before reconnecting the mains.

When you reboot your machine the bios should automatically detect the new hard drive, then when your operating system (windows or other) has loaded, go to My Computer (or similar) and you should see your new drive there. The letter assigned to the drive will depend on your machine's configuration.

If the drive you have just installed is the only drive, then you will need to install an operating system (if none present).

How to Keep Raccoons Out of a Trash Can

Though trash is trash to us, it can be a meal or two for some curious and hungry wild animals. Notorious for making a snack of whatever you've thrown out in your trash can, raccoons will stop at very little to get their treats out of your trash.

What can you do to deter these cute but curious creatures from strewing your refuse all over your lawn? Fortunately, there are several options you can choose from. Read over the suggested steps below to find a number of easy options for keeping raccoons out of your trash can.

Focus on the trash can
 itself. Focus on the trash can itself. Your first best defense is to ensure that the trash can itself is as impenetrable as a fortress to a raccoon. Purchase a metal trash can with a lid that locks in place.
  • Note that some plastic trash cans have a screw that secures the lid on the can. However, be aware that raccoons can and do chew through plastic bins.[1]
  • If you're not sure what bin to choose, ask a knowledgeable salesperson to help you – be sure to mention that it must be raccoon-proof. Also, special commercial raccoon locks for bins can be bought.
  • Never leave your trash can exposed by leaving the lid off! That is an invitation to foraging.
Secure the trash can lid with clamps or the locking system already fitted on it.

  • Secure the trash can lid with clamps or the locking system already fitted on it. Alternatively,   you can use a chain and lock – raccoons aren't smart enough (yet) to pick a lock! 
For a lid that doesn't lock in place, attach plastic hose pipe or tubing all around the edge of the lid so that it creates a seal when fitted onto the bin.
  •  For a lid that doesn't lock in place, attach plastic hose pipe or tubing all around the edge of the lid so that it creates a seal when fitted onto the bin. Cut a piece of rubber tubing or hose pipe along one side and slip it over the rim of your trash can. This will create a tight seal for the lid and make it difficult for raccoons to pry off.[2]     

Set a rock, cinderblock or other heavy item on top of the trash can.
  •  Tie the lid of your trash can to the can with a rope or bungee cord secured around the handles. Wrapping the bungee cord all the way around the bin on two sides will put off the most intrepid raccoons.[3]
Set a rock, cinderblock or other heavy item on top of the trash can.
Set a rock, cinderblock or other heavy item on top of the trash can. The only problem with this method is the heaviness of the item. If members of the household have trouble lifting it up, they're likely to stop taking out the garbage, so bear this in mind and only use this method if those who use the trash can are still able to get to the trash can easily.

Spray the interior of the trash can with ammonia.
 Spray the interior of the trash can with ammonia. Alternatively, place ammonia-soaked cloths inside the trash can or pour ammonia in neat.[4] Ammonia smells like urine to a raccoon, making it highly offensive to them.[5] You can also spray other areas where raccoons seem to congregate, to discourage them from entering your yard in the first place.

Sprinkle a raccoon repellent around your trash cans.
Sprinkle a raccoon repellent around your trash cans. Raccoons will not like the taste of almost any type of commercial repellent product.

  • If you do not wish to use repellent granules, you can use hot pepper or cayenne pepper instead.
  • Other suitable repellents include oil of mustard and naphtha flakes.[6] Note that the use of naphtha flakes, naphthalene mothballs, etc. may be illegal in your area as they are possible carcinogens; check local regulations. 
Install motion-detection lighting around the area where you keep your trash cans.
Install motion-detection lighting around the area where you keep your trash cans. Raccoons prefer darkness and might be deterred by a sudden bright light. A 100 watt bulb is a good choice for the lighting level.

If possible, place a radio near your trash can. Set it to an all-news or talk station. The sound of human voices might deter raccoons from coming near your trash cans.[8] [9] You can use a low level volume and gradually increase it if needed.

Place your trash cans in a secured bin area or other enclosure, such as inside a shed, basement or garage.
 Place your trash cans in a secured bin area or other enclosure, such as inside a shed, basement or garage. If no animal can get in without a human opening a door, then the trash cans will be left undisturbed.

How to Avoid Downloading a Virus from Limewire

This is a general guide to avoiding viruses embedded in files commonly found in the file sharing program Limewire.
Before you even download a file always ignore the star count rating next to the file. Many people who share files DO NOT know they are infected! Instead from within the search results window right click on the file you want to download and choose advanced. Now choose look up file with Bitzi. If people have posted warnings about the file you will find it here. Lastly once you download a file DO NOT open it from within LimeWire!! Instead go to the folder where you have chosen LimeWire to store your downloads. Next find the file you just downloaded and scan (THAT FILE) with your anti-virus/spyware program. I.e. AVG anti-virus spyware allows you to right click and scan a selected file. Or you can scan the whole shared folder for example. Then you can choose to open the file. Stay proactive keep your virus/spyware definitions up to date.

·  1
Think about what it is that you want to download.

·  2
Make sure that the content you are downloading is legal.
·  3
Realize that searching for a game on Limewire usually results in an average of 50-70% of content to be a virus. Your game will probably be much larger than a virus. So as a general rule of thumb, anything that's claiming to be a game but is less than 5 MB in size is most likely a virus.
·  4
Realize that music has a camouflage virus. For example, if you type "Temmperaturree-Sean Paul" (Mistakes and all...) a camouflage virus will be a search result and it will read "Temmperaturree-Sean Paul" as opposed to a real song which will read "Temperature - Sean Paul" and if you move the mouse over it you will see the year, CD it is from and other information; you will see nothing about the "song" when it is a camouflage virus.
·  5
Do not download any file types that you do not want, so if you want an mp3 music file, don't be downloading any exe files. Remember click the tab to search for Music only.
·  6
Know that it depends on the size for programs. If it's a small program like Trayit (a program that will minimize programs into the system tray) or Artmoney (a game cheat program), you'll have to only download the .zip or .rar files and scan them for viruses. For larger programs you can usually follow the same rule of thumb for games.
·  7
Also look for the BitRate for Music. If there's no BitRate in a music file, there's no music in the file. It means that it is a virus. Videos and Software don't have BitRates.
·  8
Another thing to do when you download a file, for example Mp3's, right-click at the bar at the top (that's the info bar), select the "length" option, and again, check if it has any length available, if not, it's probably a virus, and if it's ABOVE the exact length, e.g. your song is typically 2 to 3 minutes, but if the file is 23 minutes, that's probably a virus.
·  9
Look at how the file is displayed, most likely but not always the ones that aren't capitalized are viruses.
·  10
If you do download a file look at the status, if it is going unusually fast it might be a virus.


  • Your IP address is not used while chatting with a host.
  • Be careful with what you download because the music industry does sue people that steal their music for millions of dollars.
  • Do not download something that claims to be a downloader or something that says it contains a link in it that can download what you want. It's usually a trick.
  • Never open an .exe file that you downloaded off Limewire. Especially if it has a white box instead of a real icon. (Although, some legitimate programs just use the default Windows icon for executables...)
  • Do not download video files, many of them have pop-ups and install malicious programs.
  • Songs are 3-7 MB, Videos are 10 MB+, Games from 2000 or before are about 250 MB, while newer games are in the GB+ range.
  • What to do if you downloaded a virus? Erase the file, scan your computer and quarantine anything that comes up. Viruses can steal credit cards, passwords, even your social security number. Be cautious!
  • Be wary of more cleverly disguised files, even though they say that they are what you were looking for, they still could be dangerous, don't download "SONGS" that are below 1 MB, Limewire should warn you automaticly if you are about to download a dangourous file. But dont rely on that to be safe, always double check what you are downloading
  • Gnutella is one of the most virus filled networks. It is suggested to use alternatives such as bittorrent.
  • It is possible to download Limewire Pro from Limewire! (But if you don't want to do something illegal download frostwire instead. Its based on LimeWire Pro and its free.)


  • This does not mean you can just delete your anti-virus program. It's there for a reason. To protect your computer. This guide is only to save your time, and prevent your anti-virus program from having to quarantine multiple files.
  • Keygenerators are one of the most dangerous downloads from limewire. A real keygenerator would be roughly the same size as a real virus and thus nearly impossible to detect.
  • Viruses will often be EXACTLY what you typed in, or have words attached on the end. For example: If I typed in black sabbath iron man, it might come up as one of the following: black sabbath iron man unreleased single, black sabbath iron man hot new song, black sabbath iron man (good version), black sabbath iron man (WORKING), or something like that. Also, results like that will usually be an "au" file, so be cautious.


Things You'll Need

  • Limewire software
  • A working PC or Mac that has not experienced any problems in the past- otherwise it has a greater risk of getting a virus, due to its old virus scanning software that may not be up to date.


How to Secure Your PC

So you have just bought a new personal computer for your home (rather than for a workplace or as a server) and want to secure it (including protecting it from viruses and spyware). Privacy (including encryption, cryptography and anonymity) is a part of security but broad enough to need covering separately. Think of Privacy as the flipside of the coin. Making backups of data, defragging, system restore points are only indirectly related. Backups can actually make your data easier to steal and retrieve.
This article assumes you wish to use a network (such as the internet), share files on thumbdrives and that your PC might be physically accessible to others. If none of those apply, then your many of these steps may be redundant as your PC will already be quite secure

·  1
Choose an operating system based on its security and vulnerability (Linux has no known active viruses in the wild, OpenBSD is focused on security). Find out if it uses limited user accounts, file permissions and is regularly updated. Make sure you update your operating system with security updates and update your other software too.

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·  2
Choose a web browser based on its security and vulnerabilities because most malware will come through via your web browser. Disable scripts too (NoScript, Privoxy and Proxomitron can do this). Look at what independent computer security analysts (such as US-CERT[1]) and crackers (similar to hackers) say. Google Chrome[2] is more secure and has a sandbox feature[3] so it would be more difficult to compromise the system and spread the infection.
·  3
When setting up, use strong passwords in your user account, router account etc. Hackers may use dictionary attacks and brute force attacks.
·  4
Use trusted sources. When downloading software (including antivirus software), get it from a trusted source (softpedia, download, snapfiles, tucows, fileplanet, betanews, sourceforge) or your repository if you are using Linux.
·  5
Install good antivirus software (particularly if you use P2P). Antivirus software is designed to deal with modern malware including viruses, trojans, keyloggers, rootkits, and worms. Find out if your antivirus offers real-time scanning, on-access or on-demand. Also find out if it is heuristic. Avast[4] and AVG[5] are very good free editions. Choose one, download and install it and scan regularly. Keep your virus definitions up to date by updating regularly.
·  6
Download and install software to deal with spyware such as Spybot Search and Destroy[6], HijackThis[7] or Ad-aware[8] and scan regularly. I can't state this enough - you need to run a good anti spyware and anti malware program like Spybot if you search the web at all. Many websites out there exploit weaknesses and holes in the security of Microsoft Explorer and will place malicious code on your computer without you knowing about it until its too late!
·  7
Download and install a firewall. Either ZoneAlarm[9] or Comodo Firewall[10] (Kerio, WinRoute or Linux comes with iptables). If you use a router, this gives an added layer of security by acting as a hardware firewall.
·  8
Close all ports. Hackers use port scanning (Ubuntu Linux has all ports closed by default).
·  9
Perform Penetration Testing. Start with ping, then run a simple nmap scan. Backtrack Linux[11] will also be useful.
·  10
Consider running intrusion detection software (HIDS) such as ossec, tripwire or rkhunter.
·  11
Don't forget to think in terms of physical security! Consider something like a Kensington lock (in case of theft/unauthorised access). Also setting a BIOS password and preventing access to your machine or its removable devices (USB, CD drive etc.). Don't use an external hard drive or USB device for important data, these represent another vulnerability, as they are easier to steal/lose.
  • Encryption can be effective against theft. Encrypt at least your entire user account rather than just a few files. It can affect performance but can prove worth it. Truecrypt works on Windows, OS X, Linux, FreeOTFE works on Windows and Linux. In OS X (10.3 or later) System Preferences Security, click FileVault (this can take minutes to hours). In Linux Ubuntu (9.04 or later) installation Step 5 of 6 choose "Require my password to login and decrypt my home folder". This uses ecryptfs.

How to Remove a Boot Sector Virus

Has your computer been acting strange lately? Has it been running slow, or telling you that your computer needs a certain program? If so it may have a virus. This article deals with ones called Boot Sector Viruses. These reside in the sectors that are used to start your Operating System. Some of the viruses that reside here also store themselves in your BIOS so they are booted even if you have just done a clean install.

·  1
Remove any important files and shut down the infected computer. You can not begin to remove the virus if it is in the RAM in your computer.
·  2
{START EDIT: NO boot virus are found in the BIOS - IF your BIOS was infected by a virus your motherboard would likely be bricked.
·  3
There is NO NEED TO FLASH BIOS! Please read the many comments regarding this- these are found by clicking on the "Discuss" Tab!!
·  4
·  5
Download a new BIOS flash utility (must be DOS version) and copy it to the bootable floppy you are about to make. These are found at your motherboard manufacturer's website, or at your computer manufacturer's website if you have a laptop.
·  6
Create a bootable floppy from an uninfected computer. Then write-protect the floppy.
·  7
Remove the HDD (hard disk drive or hard drive) from the infected computer. Be sure to remove all of the static electricity from your self by touching the metal case.
·  8
Start up the infected computer with the bootable floppy in the floppy drive.
·  9
When the BIOS setup page shows, Push the corresponding key to change the Boot Order.
·  10
Set the Floppy drive to boot first.
·  11
·  12
Find out which company manufactures your HDD and see if they have a utility that will do a Low-Level format. This part is important because it deletes everything from your hard drive so that no one can get it back, including the virus. Some common HDD manufacturers' tools for doing this can be found here.
·  13
Run the formatting utility provided by your HDD manufacturer.
·  14
Reinstall your Operating System of choice however you want to.
·  15
And the most important thing is that you use trusted software to remove the virus or else you will be in more trouble (if that software is infected).